Filter Grid List Map All listing types All listing types Sales Exchange Giving away All categories All categories Indoor plants Cactus & Succulents Orchard & Vegetable garden Carnivorous plants Seeds and bulbs Outdoor plants Other plants Accessories Price Min: Max: Evolving stage Cutting Young plant Adulte plante Update view All categories Indoor plants Cactus & Succulents Orchard & Vegetable garden Carnivorous plants Seeds and bulbs Outdoor plants Other plants Accessories €15 per unit Monstera Devil €15 per unit karyn B €15 per unit Alocasia california €15 per unit Priscilla a Giving away don plante Oiseau de Paradis Giving away corinne L €45 per unit Vente de Monstera Deliciosa €45 per unit Emma W €30 per unit Jeune manguier €30 per unit Tomtom N €10 per unit laurier tin pour haie champêtre €10 per unit jane p €25 per unit Fargesia rufa €25 per unit Didier M €20 per unit Vends palmiers chamaerops €20 per unit Alain B €30 per unit Palmier nain €30 per unit Victoria A €15 per unit Grande Hoya €15 per unit Christelle P €5 per unit Palmiers trachycarpus fortunei (palmier de Chine) €5 per unit Mihaela P €5 per unit Palmiers trachycarpus fortunei (palmier de Chine) €5 per unit Mihaela P €50 per unit Yucca 2 pieds €50 per unit Emmanuelle F €80 per unit Monstera deliciosa €80 per unit Emmanuelle F Giving away Donne beau ficus Giving away Viviane D €130 per unit Monstera deliciosa xxl €130 per unit julien d €20 per unit Composition plantes grasses €20 per unit Christophe M €10 per unit Fougère €10 per unit Florence S €10 per unit Colocasia esculanta €10 per unit Florence S €20 per unit Pachira aquatica €20 per unit Roxane R €1.50 per unit Maïs fraise €1.50 per unit Jacky T €2 per unit Plantes vertes dépolluantes Clorofitum €2 per unit Marioara Raduinea €280 per unit Monstera deliciosa €280 per unit François R Giving away Cyprès méditerranéens issus de graines prélevées en Crète Giving away Michel P ← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 26 27 Next →